Your First Gynecology Appointment: We Answer Some FAQs
Gynecologists are doctors who only take care of women. We specialize in the female reproductive organs:
- The uterus
- Fallopian tubes
- Ovaries
- Vagina
Your first gynecology appointment is an important starting point on your journey to wellness. We’ll take a closer look at some of the things gynecologists do and why we are an important part of your healthcare team.
Why Do You See a Gynecologist?
Why do you see a gynecologist? We do lots of things:
What Do Gynecologists Do?
- PAP smears: screen for cervical cancer
- Pelvic exams: screen for uterine and ovarian problems
- Birth control: how to prevent unwanted pregnancy
- Preconceptual counseling: how to get pregnant and start pregnancy healthy
- Prenatal care: how to have a healthy mom and a healthy baby
- STI (sexually transmitted infections): diagnose and treat the infections
- Period problems:
- Painful periods
- Heavy periods
- Bad mood swings with the period
- Surgery:
- Hysterectomies
- Ovarian cysts
- Endometriosis
This is not everything, but you get the idea.
When Do You Need Your First Gynecology Exam?
Your first gynecology appointment is very important, however, there is not a single answer to this.
You do not need a PAP smear (screening for cervical cancer) until you are 21 years old.
If you make the adult decision to have sex, you need to see us BEFORE you have sex to discuss birth control and STI prevention.
If you have already had sex, you need to have STI testing and discuss birth control.
Otherwise, come see us when you have any problems or questions relating to your period, your breasts, or just to get to know us. Many young ladies come to see us around 18 to establish a relationship and have us as a resource.
What Will Happen at Your First Exam?
What will happen at the first exam? Our doctors will ask lots of questions. They may seem embarrassing, but they help us know how to take care of you. We are not here to judge you, only to help you be the best version of you!
Sometimes, we will need to do an exam. This is the part that is most stressful for most women. Doing exams does not always involve looking inside the vagina. It could just be looking at the outside of the vagina.
If we need to investigate the vagina, we will use a speculum. It is the tool that opens the vagina so we can see the inside of the vagina and see the cervix to do a PAP smear. Next, we do a pelvic exam. We will put a finger into the vagina and press on your stomach to feel the uterus and ovaries on the inside, checking for infection, tumors, or cysts.
How can you make it easier? If you wiggle your toes during the exam, it relaxes your butt muscles (it works). Also, do not hold your breath! That will tense all your muscles. And before you know it, the exam is done.
But always remember, no one has the right to touch you without your permission, even a doctor. There will always be a chaperone present. So ask questions and we will explain anything and everything.
Dallas OBGYN: We Want to Care For You Throughout Your Life
We do not want the first visit or exam to be a bad one. Ask us questions. Make sure you understand what we are doing and why. We are here to keep you healthy. Speak to us and contact us if you have any questions. See you soon!